面议 | |
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不限量 | |
自买家付款之日起3天内发货 | |
美国杜笙 |
Tulsion A-62MP 是一款特制的,食品级,具有高交换容量以及优良的化学性质和物理性质的强碱性阴离子除硝酸盐交换树脂。常用于饮用水去除硝酸盐, 水产养殖水晶虾,么么虾,笋壳鱼等去除硝酸盐,地下水除硝酸盐等。
主体结构/Matrix structure Cross-link Polystyrene
型式(Type) Strong Base Anion Exchange Resin
物理型式/Physical form 湿润球状/Moist spherical beads
官能团/Functional group 季胺I型/Quaternary ammonium Type-I
全交换容量(Total Exchange Capacity) 1.0 meq/ ml
离子型式(Ionic form) Chloride
湿度/Moisture content 52 ± 3%
反洗稳定密度/Backwash settled density 700 - 750 gm/lit
大温度/Maximum Thermal Stability 90℃
PH范围/PH range 0 - 14
溶解率(Solubility) Insoluble in all common solvents
测试(TESTING): Tulsion A-62MP
离子交换树脂的抽样和测试是按标准的测试程序,即ASTMD - 2187和IS - 7330,1998.
包装(PACKING): Tulsion A-62MP
Super Sack | 1000 lit | Super Sack | 35 cft |
MS drums | 180 lit. | MS drums | 7 cft |
HDPE lines Bags | 25 lit. | HDPE lines Bags | 1 cft |
For Handling, Safety and Storage requirements please refer to the individual Material Safety Data Sheets available at our offices. The data included herein are based on test information obtained by Thermax Limited. These date are believed to be reliable, but do not imply any warranty or performance guarantee. Tolerances for characteristics are per BIS/ASTM. We recommend that the user should determine the performance of the product by testing on his own processing equipment.
For further information, please contact:
电话:18666729770(同号) 联系人:王经理 科海思(北京)科技有限公司
科海思(北京)科技有限公司湖北分公司 | |
王炎 |
13220156951 | |
13220156951 | |
wangyan19950704@163.com | |
无 | |
北京市丰台区花乡造甲村南里1号楼一层105室 | |
特种离子交换树脂 | |
http://tulsionshuzhi.b2b.huangye88.com/m/ |